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download ASICseer BoardRestore 1.0.3

Restoring Hashboards

See Identifying Faulty Hashboards and LED Hashboard Detection.

ASICseer BoardRestore

See ASICseer BoardRestore.

ASICseer Software Rescue

This procedure has a 10% chance of restoring a hashboard.

  1. Got to ASICseer Downloads and select the force, rescue options.
  2. Paste your Remote Config File into the Remote Config File field.
  3. Click the "Regenerage Downloads" button.
  4. On your Panel, select the checkbox next to the 🔗 and 🔘 icons, select "ip list" in the dropwdown menu, and press the "submit" button.
  5. Comment out your vlan definitions by putting # in front of each one.
  6. Add the ip list of ASICs with bad hashboards in your Remote Config File with Including and Excluding lists of IPs in the Multi-ASIC Installer.
  7. Reinstall ASICseer on those ASICs using the Multi-ASIC Installer.
  8. ASICseer Software Rescue takes about 5-7 minutes per ASIC. After Rescue, your ASICs will reboot automatically.

Cleaning S9 Hashboard

This procedure has a 20-30% chance of restoring a hashboard.

Recommended Supplies

Cleaning Procedure

  1. Investigate hashboard for obvious failures (burns, swollen chips, etc) and set board aside if found.
  2. Blow excess dust from hashboard with Data-Vac.
  3. Spray alcohol between hashboard heatsinks, allow alcohol run-off into a bin for later disposal.
  4. Brush between heatsinks with horsehair brush, careful not to damage bristles against hashboard heatsinks.
  5. Spray again with alcohol.
  6. Blow alcohol/residue with Data-Vac quickly to make sure the residue does not re-settle onto the board.
  7. Spray Novec degreaser between heatsinks.
  8. Brush chips with horsehair brush, clean brush if it gets dirty.
  9. Blow with Data-Vac again to dry the hashboard.

Flashing S9 Hashboard with PICKit3

This procedure has a 40-50% chance of restoring a hashboard.

Recommended Software and Hardware

1. Device Connection


  1. Take note of the hashboard's PIC chip model (see area in red above). The chip should say something like PIC16F1704 or PIC16F1705.
  2. Connect the PICKit3 to the S9 hashboard (see area in yellow above) such that PIN1 on the PICKit3 lines up with PIN1 on the hashboard.
  3. On the PC end, in order to supply the correct 5V power, connect the PICKit3 to a powered USB hub and turn on the hub before proceeding.

2. Using MPLAB X IPE


  1. Start up MPLAB X IPE (you will see the above screen).
  2. Click on Settings -> Advanced Mode.
  3. When prompted, type in the password microchip
  4. Advanced Mode enables a side bar with various options.

ssn2 ssn3

  1. Select the "Operate" tab/screen (if not already selected).
  2. Start typing your PIC chip model number next to "Device".
  3. When you see the chip model number in the drop down, click on it and then click on the "Apply" button.


  1. Go to the "Power" tab and make sure the VDD is set to 5.0
  2. If it is not, then your chip selection under Operate probably didn't register properly.
  3. Clear out the "Device" and start over.
  4. Once you are set to 5.0V, check the box that says "Power Target circuit from Tool".
  5. Go back to the "Operate" screen and click on "Connect".
  6. The console screen should read something like the below:

3a. Exporting a working PIC image

If you already have a ".hex" file from a proper working hashboard, go to section 3b to restore a broken hashboard using it.

ssn9 ssn8

  1. Connect a known working hashboard to the PICKit3.
  2. On the "Operate" screen, click on "Read".
  3. Wait for the program to finish reading the PIC image.
  4. Go to the top menu "File" -> "Export" -> "Hex" and save the hashboard image.

3b. Flashing a PIC image


  1. On the "Operate" screen, click on "Browse" next to "Hex" and load your working hashboard image.
  2. Click on "Program" to write the image to the hashboard.
  3. The console output should read similar to the screen below:

4. Verify the PIC memory (optional)

You can verify the contents of the PIC by going to the top menu "Window" > "Target Memory Views" > "Program Memory". The contents around memory address 0x300 should look like below screen:

ssn6 ssn7

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